Heleno Taveira Torres
HELENO TAVEIRA TORRES is Professor of Financial Law Holder of the Law School of the University of São Paulo (USP). Professor and Associate Professor of Tax Law at the same institution since 2003.Doctor (PUCSP), Master (UFPE) and Specialist (Università di Roma – La Sapienza) in Tax Law. It was worldwide vice president of the International Fiscal Association – IFA, based in Amsterdam – Netherlands, January 2008 to December 2013. Vice-President of the Brazilian Association of Financial Law – ABDF. Member of the Executive Council of the Latin American Institute of Derecho Tributario – ILADT, and other important associations in Brazil and abroad, as ABRADT, IAB, IASP.
It is counselor of the Supreme Council for Legal Affairs and Legislative (Conjur), Director and Member of the Arbitration Panel of the Federation of São Paulo State Industries – FIESP, Director and Member of the Arbitration Panel of the Federation of São Paulo State Trade – FECOMERCIO.
He is the author of books: Direito Constitucional Financeiro – Teoria da Constituição Financeira. SP: RT – Revista dos Tribunais (Thomson Reuters), 2014; Direito constitucional tributário e segurança jurídica. 2. ed. São Paulo: RT, 2012 (1. ed. 2011); Fundo soberano do Brasil e finanças públicas. Belo Horizonte: Editora Fórum, 2012. Co-authored with Felipe da Cunha Rodrigues; Derecho tributario y derecho privado: autonomía privada, elusión y simulación. Buenos Aires: Marcial Pons, 2008; Direito tributário e direito privado: autonomia privada, simulação e elusão tributária. São Paulo: RT, 2003; Direito tributário das telecomunicações e satélites – Estudos e pareceres. São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2006; Pluritributação internacional sobre as rendas de empresas. 2. ed. São Paulo: RT, 2001 (1. ed. 1997); Direito tributário internacional. São Paulo: RT, 2000, and several coordinated books and articles published in Brazil and abroad.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal World Tax Journal, the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation – IBFD (Amsterdam). Member of the Editorial Rivista Diritto Internazionale Tributaria and Practice Committee, issued by CEDAM. Member of the Editorial Committee of the Rivista di Diritto Tributario Internazionale, published by the Dipartimento di Theory dello Stato, the Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, R Università di Roma – “La Sapienza”, and other foreign and domestic issues.